06. Browsers



Websites run in browsers, which means you need some browsers to run websites!

Your users could be using any browser to visit the websites that you build for them. There are slight differences in the way that different browsers will render your websites, which means that you'll need to test your sites in all of them.

Now, you don't need to download every browser right now, but I want to make sure that you install the two most popular cross-platform browsers: Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Other browsers, like Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge, are fantastic as well and you should continue to browse and test your sites with them. However, both are only available on a single operating system and neither have quite as robust a set of tools for developers (ie. "Developer Tools" or "DevTools") as Chrome and Firefox.

In most of the lessons on Udacity, you'll see us using Chrome. Chrome has an amazingly powerful set of Developer Tools that you'll be using to learn more about your websites than you can imagine. You'll learn more about Developer Tools in later lessons.

(That's not to disparage Firefox, which also has an awesome set of Developer Tools.)

Right now, I want you to install Chrome and Firefox if you haven't already.

Install Chrome

Install Firefox